I didn’t get much of a response when I asked a few days ago for suggestions about a new poll, but I came up with one on my own. For quite awhile we’ve been talking about different quotes and phrases to print on the back of the Sandbar logo shirts. A long time ago we had our own slogan on the back: “We can’t change your latitude, but we can sure change your attitude!” Lots of people loved this one, and lots of people have asked for us to do it again, and maybe we will sometime. But we’d like to do something different, too.
Matt put together a really good list of lots of ideas awhile back. Of course I couldn’t find it tonight when I wanted it. But I did manage to come up with a few options for you to choose from. My favorite one is “Come back after a few beers.” I saw that one on a shirt Friday night and thought it was pretty funny. But don’t let me influence you. Please cast your vote for your favorite- and the quote with the most votes will end up on the next shirt we print.
Edited: I’m an idiot. I published this post about a new ‘random question’….but I forgot to actually publish the poll which asked the random question. Though apparently no one even noticed, because there are no sarcastic comments about it. I guess that means no one really reads this?
People definitely read this blog, they just don’t read it EVERY day. If beer is the proof of God, ergo hangovers must be proof of Satan.
“Come back after a few more beers”? I don’t get it. Somebody’s gonna have to explain that one to me.
i think it meant “you’re not hot enough now but come back after i’ve had a few more and maybe you will be.”
but i could be wrong. it was funny. and the guy wearing it wasn’t all that hot, so he really shouldn’t be that picky.
Oooooohhhh… I get it now. Gracias, Morgan. I ain’t the sharpest tool in the deck.
wtf? can’t you read? i’m not morgan!
Like I said: not the brightest crayon in the box. Muy estupido. Los siento, sra Johanning.
wow i didnt even have to shop up for this one to be included!
I like Justin’s quote about Hangovers being proof of Satan. I know I always think I am dying when I have one!
Now I know where I got confused! I thought the comment was from Morgan because she never types with capital letters. Now I realize that both of you suffer from the same disorder. I thought all girls did that until Heather chimed in. Next time I’ll read the fine print! Anyone wanna buy a bridge, slightly used?
tough break on losing that quote list, I put lots of time into that. The best one to come out of it was
“there is nothing better than a cold beer in the afternoon with nothing to look forward to than more of the same”
I’ll get back to you on the author. I also think we need to come up with our own quotes and not stuff we see on other peoples t-shirts. Just a novel idea.
no worries matt, your list is safe. i just didn’t know where dave put it, and he wasn’t around to ask when i was working on this. your list was excellent. anything else you come up with, pass along for sure. i agree about coming up with our own.