Well, our patio's been up for almost a week now, and we've already added a few new things.

20090601_patio_0002An umbrella.  If you've been on the patio during one of the hot, bright days this week, you know what I'm talking about.  There's only one, and it's in the corner, but it helps shade that blinding sun from the west when you're hanging out after work. It will also help keep the birds from leaving an unwanted surprise on you, or worse, in your drink. (It happens.)

A table.  Not a necessity, perhaps, but a nice addition anyway. You might remember the Landshark bench we had in the back room- it was a great bench, but it's an even better table.  Dave took it apart (because that's what he does) and added table legs to it. It now has a new home on the patio.

(Yes, that is Dave's bright yellow scooter just beyond the sidewalk.)


Not that you needed a reason to enjoy a drink on the patio, but we hope these new additions will make it just a little more pleasant.