Got plans for Saturday morning? Join us downtown this Saturday, December 5, at the Lawrence Old Fashioned Christmas Parade!
This is the 16th year of the annual event, and The Sandbar is proud to be a sponsor. Our Friday bartender Phil serves as the parade chair, and owner Peach's good friend and neighbor, Elaine VanDeventer, is the parade's executive director.
The parade starts at 11 a.m. in downtown Lawrence and features nearly 100 entrants, all of which are horse-drawn.
Want to get even more involved? There are plenty of additional opportunities available: donate funds large or small, volunteer your time, or even participate in the parade!
This is a great event to take the whole family to- how many towns can claim an entire parade of horse-drawn carriages? If you take any pictures, email them to us or upload them to the Parade's Facebook page.
Don't forget to stop by The Sandbar after the parade for a refreshing drink!
Read about the Parade in the Lawrence Journal-World
Become a fan of the Lawrence Old Fashioned Christmas Parade on Facebook
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