Aye, matey! Tomorrow is September 19. That means…it's Talk Like a Pirate Day!
This is an international holiday of fun started by a group of friends, and when Dave Barry mentioned it in his newspaper column once upon a time, the rest of the world got involved.
This year, there's a Google map filled with pirate parties around the world. Check it out here. We're not on the map because we aren't having an official party (and we didn't find out about the map until it was too late to be added anyway), but we're sharing it just in case you want to party with a bunch of pirates.
The head pirates are also collecting pictures from pirate parties for their Flickr gallery.
Dave ordered new pirate toys just for tomorrow. We'll have pirate eye patches to hand out with tropical drinks, so stop by and pretend you're a pirate for awhile.
One thing we noticed on the Talk Like a Pirate Day website that intrigued us…a mention of PirateSanta.com. We're very curious about what this might be. There's not much information on it yet.