Sandbar Tee in St. Thomas

Sandbar fan Lonnie posted this picture on our Facebook page recently:


It's from a 2006 trip to St. Thomas. According to Lonnie, he needs a new Sandbar shirt for another trip down there. We want to go along!

Sandbar Wall of Fame

We started our Sandbar "Wall of Fame" project a couple years ago- it's a small section of the wall by the popcorn machine, covered in corkboard and photos of people wearing Sandbar shirts all over the world.

People are really starting to get into this project and we're getting more and more pictures, which is awesome! The problem is, we were running out of space on the wall, and some of the pictures that were on there were fun pictures, but weren't of Sandbar shirts.

The other day I spent some time taking all the pictures down and sorting through them. Most of them went back up on the wall, and the others will find a new home somewhere else. There's not a lot of empty space, but there's still room for you!

If you've got a picture of you wearing your Sandbar shirt somewhere other than Lawrence, we want to see it. You can email it to us at, post it on our Facebook page, tweet it to us or just print it out and stick it on the wall. Can't wait to see it!

Sandbar Tees in Mexico

Bartender Danny's parents, Diane and Dave, recently went to Mexico. Of course they took their Sandbar shirts along for the trip:

Dave facebook Sandbar

Diane says: "We took these pictures at a little B&B, Villa La Bella, on the island of Isla Mujeres. It is a few miles off the coast of Cancun and reached by a ferry. We stayed there in January. We are sitting on the swings (instead of bar stools) at Villa La Bella's delightful little" not land locked" beach bar right on the Caribbean."

Thanks for sharing your pictures and for spreading the Sandbar love in Mexico! (And thank you for Danny, too. We like him.)

Sandbar Fans in North Dakota

About four years ago, a group of friends from North Dakota started coming in to the Sandbar during their annual pilgrimage to Lawrence. They were in town this past weekend for the KU-Texas game (sad face!), so we asked them to tell us a little bit about how their annual trip got started, and their thoughts on the Sandbar.

Here's what James had to say:

We grew interest in Lawrence when one of our classmates (Jeff Boschee) played basketball for the Jayhawks and have been continuing our venture there once a year ever since. I believe he played for Kansas from 1999 to 2003 (might be off a year) and we always liked to go out and have a good time there.

As of 4 years ago we discovered The Sandbar and it has been our favorite inLawrence ever since. The people that hang out there are super friendly and Dave is one of the nicest guys in lawrence to b.s. with. The other reason that we like to come to the Sandbar is to make sure we get a dirty banana shot.

While we are on our visit in Lawrence we take in a basketball game as well as taking in a lot of history, we seem to learn someting new about Lawrence every time that we come. Thanks for taking the time to do this, it is a great place and will always be our first stop when we arrive.

Dave took a picture of James and his group (and some random girls that Dave says he kind of encouraged to jump into the picture):


Thanks guys for making us a stop on your annual trip to Lawrence! See you next year!

Sandbar Tee in Philadelphia

Sandbar friend Annie recently traveled to Philadelphia and sent us this picture of her Sandbar shirt! This is the first picture we've gotten from Philly.


Thanks, Annie! Hope your trip was lots of fun.

If you've got a picture of your Sandbar shirt somewhere cool, send it to us!

Sandbar Tee in Hollywood

Alright, we're going to attempt this blogging-every-day thing again. It happened in November, during National Blog Posting Month. Apparently after that effort got started several years ago, lots of people wanted to do it every month, so now it's become a thing every month with a theme. January's theme is "friends."

So, in the spirit of friends, here's another picture of well-traveled Sandbar tees, this time in the celebrity mecca of Hollywood!

I traveled to L.A. a few months ago for the wedding of a college friend and former Sandbar regular, along with a group of girls who still occasionally frequent the bar. Of course, Becki and I took our Sandbar shirts along.


This spot at the Griffith Park Observatory  was the closest we could get to the Hollywood sign- I'm sure there are better photo ops, but our schedule didn't allow us to spend much time on this. The Hollywood sign really is back there- I circled it.

Got a picture somewhere outside of Lawrence with your Sandbar tee? Send it to us!