by Debbi | Aug 19, 2010 | Around the World
Here's a great picture from our friend Rachel in Chicago. She posted it on Twitter and was kind enough to email us a few words about it.
Though we've seen Sandbar shirts worn everywhere from China to
Europe to the beaches, we'd never seen one worn up at 14,500ft in the
air. So naturally, when getting ready to skydive in Wisconsin last
Friday, Brian donned his going-on-seven-year-old Sandbar shirt for good
luck. And lucky it was; despite early morning rain and wind we ended up
jumping out of the plane that afternoon. From the freefall we could see
Lake Michigan and all the way from the Milwaukee to the Chicago
skyline. It was the most amazing feeling; almost as cool as a hurricane
in the middle of Kansas!
Being away from Lawrence doesn't keep the Sandbar far from our hearts, no matter what our altitude is! 🙂
by Debbi | Aug 1, 2010 | Around the World
This picture showed up on our bulletin board recently. We love it when random pictures of Sandbar t-shirts arrive, especially when they're in cool and unique places!
This photo was taken in Greenland. We don't have a picture from that country yet. It looks very pretty.
Have you worn a Sandbar tee someplace exotic? Or just someplace outside of Lawrence? Send us a picture, and we'll add you to the wall of fame. If you email us a few paragraphs about your picture, we'll put it on the blog too!
by Debbi | Jul 16, 2010 | Around the World
Sandbar friends Ryan and Megan sent us a picture featuring Sandbar shirts from their recent vacation. Here's what they had to say about their trip:
hiked to the top of Observation Point in Zion National Park, an 8 mile
round trip hike, with an elevation increase of 2100 feet in the first
four miles. When we got the top, you could see forever and we were
sure thinking that a drink at the Sandbar sure sounded good about
A cool, refreshing Sandbar drink would be the perfect way to top off a hike up a mountain, no?
We also got a postcard from them while they toured breweries in Fort Collins.
We're just a tiny bit jealous of their trip. But we're thankful that they thought of us while they were out doing fun stuff! Thanks Ryan and Megan!
by Debbi | Jun 25, 2010 | Around the World
Good Sandbar friends and regulars Susan and Andy submitted this picture on our Facebook page:
They took a trip to Grand Cayman last month, and of course they took their Sandbar shirts along. (Andy's wearing our anniversary shirt with a white logo, it doesn't show up very well in the picture.) They stopped in at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville for a quick picture. We'll add it to the wall at the bar soon.
Thanks Susan and Andy!
by Debbi | May 27, 2010 | Around the World, People
Sandbar friend and regular Michelle (wife of Brother Pants, our art director and picture framer) is a nurse by day. Actually, she got some publicity for that recently- not only was a story about her career change on the front page, but a ginormous picture of her in nursing action was there too. Check it out here.
One of Michelle's interests outside of her paid nursing job is mission trips. She's taken several trips, starting back in nursing school when she went on a spring break trip to Mexico. She had to miss the annual St. Patrick's Day parade to participate in that trip, so you know she's dedicated to nursing.
Earlier this spring, she made a repeat trip to the Dominican Republic with a group of nurses and doctors. They worked with women's health care needs for about a week. But it wasn't all work- there was a little bit of time for play. Another friend of ours who is also a nurse- Tyler- was on this trip too, and they took some time to pose in their Sandbar shirts on the beach.
Michelle has spent the past week in Guatemala on yet another nursing mission trip. We hope she took her Sandbar shirt along for more pictures.
by Debbi | Apr 15, 2010 | Around the World
More Sandbar shirts from around the world! Or at least around the country.
Our friend Amerika visited the great state of Tennessee recently, and her bright red Sandbar shirt was stowed in the suitcase. She emailed us these pictures.
First, the Sandbar's represented at the Cherokee National Forest.
And my favorite, the shot on the Appalachian Trail. This picture proves she was really there, not gallivanting around some South American country or something.
Do you have pictures of your Sandbar shirt somewhere other than Lawrence? We're not picky, it doesn't have to be exotic. I know some of you college ladies took your shirts on Spring Break…we'd love to see the pictures!