Where Have Your Sandbar Shirts Been?

Next time you're in The Sandbar filling up a dish of popcorn, look up. There's a corkboard on the wall with a lot of empty space.

Our goal with this little corkboard is to show off pictures of our friends wearing Sandbar shirts around the world. We've collected quite a few- shirts spotted in Key West, the Bahamas, at a Royals game, and horseback riding.

Today I got an email from Sandbar fan Megan with a bunch of pictures. She and her husband recently returned from a two week trip, and of course they took their Sandbar shirts along.


Her pictures will be added to our Wall of Fame. She also sent some favorite Sandbar pictures over the years that will be included in our 20 year anniversary slide show.

Got some pictures of you or your friends wearing Sandbar shirts in cool (or not-so-cool places, we aren't picky!)? Or other Sandbar pictures you want to share for our slideshow? Email them to us at sandbar{at}thesandbar{dot}com and you could be famous!

Sandbar Shirt Spotted in Jamaica!

A random Lawrencian stopped by The Sandbar today to buy a Sandbar shirt.

He said that he was recently in Jamaica (home of the awesome Dirty Bananas!) and while he was walking on the beach, he saw a Sandbar shirt. From The Sandbar in Lawrence. On a native Jamaican man who was walking the beach trying to entice vacationers into buying a ride on a jetski.

He told us that if a Jamaican guy was going to wear a Sandbar shirt, then he figured it was time he came in and bought one for himself.

We asked if he took a picture of the Sandbar-shirt-wearing Jamaican, and apparently he did. He's supposed to bring it by so we can add it to our collection. The story was so good, though, I couldn't wait to share it.

Sandbar in the Sky

A couple days ago I made another plea to the internet for pictures of people doing fun things while wearing Sandbar shirts.

Almost immediately I got not only a response, but also a picture, and it's a good one. And, it's apparently already up on the wall.

Brother Pants and Michelle went skydiving this weekend in their Sandbar shirts! They couldn't get a picture of the actual event (cameras not allowed while diving), but they did get one of them posing by the sign:

Where's the sandbar

Now, who can top this one? Give it your best shot.

Sandbar Shirts Around the World

Awhile back (okay, nearly a year ago), I asked fans of The Sandbar to submit pictures of themselves wearing their Sandbar attire in exotic places. I didn't get a lot of response, other than from the usual people who respond, like Pat and Justin, but we did finally get a spot on the wall designated for the few pictures we've received.

Thanks to Ken- and a very slow shift at the bar one day- for moving a bunch of pictures from the corkboard by the popcorn machine and putting them on the opposite wall. The newly cleared space now contains our very small collection of Sandbar shirt pictures.

We have pictures of people hunting, horseback riding, fishing in Key West, cruising in the Bahamas, on a beach, at a Royals game, and posing with a llama- all while wearing Sandbar shirts. There used to be a picture of Michelle with a short bus, but someone must have really liked it because it's gone.

This wall is also where we'll put pictures of people while at another Sandbar, even if they aren't actually wearing a Sandbar shirt.

Whenever a fun new picture arrives at the bar, we'll highlight it here along with a story from the person in the picture. Look how bare the board is right now- send us some pictures!

We Need Pictures

We’re starting a new bulletin board at The Sandbar.

Yes, I know, there’s barely a spare inch of uncovered space on our walls, what with all the faded brown dollar bill, Jimmy Buffett signs, and pictures of every important event or person to ever grace the place, but we’ll find room. There’s a bulletin board up front in the bar, by the popcorn machine, that will work nicely for this project.

Here’s where you come in. We need pictures of you, your friends, your family, your pets- or whoever- as long as they are wearing Sandbar apparel. The stranger the location, the better. Did you take your shirt with you to Costa Rica? Europe? The Great Wall of China? No? That’s okay….we’ll take photos of you wearing your Sandbar gear in Oklahoma, too.

So, dig out your photo albums and find us some pictures. Some of them might show up here, too, on days when I have nothing else to post.

Thanks to Matt for suggesting this cool idea. And, here’s a picture of Danny on the beach in North Carolina to get this thing started.
