by Debbi | Nov 4, 2011 | Around the World
Our fearless founder Peach is Irish, and she really wants to visit Ireland.
Recently, her desire to go there became even greater- someone sent her this:
I don't know where in Ireland this Sandbar is located, but we'll surely find out one of these days. The ice cream cone on the corner of the building is a nice touch, too.
by Debbi | Oct 18, 2011 | Around the World, Famous Folk, KU Basketball, Newsworthy
One of our Sandbar shirts made a surprise appearance at last Friday's Late Night in the Phog.
We printed a special white shirt with a red Sandbar logo for KU Athletics so they could use it in a skit. The skit featured boxer Victor Ortiz taking on Barry Hinson, the men's basketball team's director of operations. Barry wore the Sandbar shirt and was knocked out by Victor.
We weren't at Late Night to get a picture, but here's one from that photographer Nick Krug shot:
You can view the original picture (and the rest of the gallery) here. (Dear if it's not okay that we used this picture here, please let us know and we'll take it down. We try to be very careful about proper online attribution.)
It's kind of hard to see his shirt, since he's lying on the ground, but it's definitely a Sandbar shirt. If anyone out there got a better picture, please let us know!
And yes, that's Rob Riggle serving as the referee. We've got a story about him, too, so come back for that one. It's good, we promise.
by Debbi | Oct 7, 2011 | Around the World
Sandbar friend Kevin uploaded this picture to our Facebook page, and we laughed:
This is from the airport in St. Maarten. Another tropical place that other people besides us keep going to and then sending pictures back to taunt us with.
Thanks, Kevin!
by Debbi | Oct 3, 2011 | Around the World
Sandbar friend Kristin recently took a trip to the west coast, and her Sandbar shirt went along for the vacation.
She sent us a couple of neat pictures of her shirt. The first one is outside the Goonies House! So cool. If you don't know that movie, you're too young to be in the Sandbar. The second picture is in front of her hotel in Lincoln City, Ore., where a giant tiki god sits.
Thanks, Kristin, for two unique photos! Where's your shirt been-anywhere fun? Send us a picture!
by Debbi | Sep 23, 2011 | Around the World
We love all the Sandbar shirt pictures we've been getting from all over the world! Ecuador is definitely a place we haven't seen one of our shirts in before.
Sandbar fan Richard sent us this picture on Facebook:
Here's what he had to say about it:
I just returned from Ecuador today. While there I took a trip into a small town called Mindo about 1.5 hours from Quito. From Mindo I went hiking through the mountainous rainforest with a few friends and proudly wearing my Sandbar shirt. Rock Chalk!
Thanks for the picture, we love it! And for those of you who don't know, our shirt wall of fame by the popcorn machine is full, but we started a new wall of pictures in the back room. Dave put up a huge corkboard and we've got lots of space, so send us your pictures!
by Debbi | Sep 15, 2011 | Around the World
We love it when one of our "Around the World in a Sandbar Shirt" posts inspires someone to send us even more pictures!
Awhile back, we posted a picture submitted to us by Team Cocktail. A guy showed up at their tailgate before the Kenny Chesney concert wearing a green Sandbar shirt. Well, said guy saw the post and emailed us some more pictures!
Here's Sandbar friend Lonnie Ray and his lovely wife Sharon:
Love in a Sandbar shirt at a Kenny Chesney show! Thanks Lonnie, we'll add these to our wall of fame. If you have a Sandbar shirt picture from somewhere around the world, send it to us. Our wall in the front of the bar by the popcorn machine is full of great pictures, and we started a new wall in the back room.