by Debbi | Apr 12, 2008 | Birthday Party, Events
It’s that time of the year again-
Brother Pants’ birthday arrived yesterday and Dave’s is today. It should be against the law that their birthdays fall a day apart.
This year, however, is even bigger- because Pants turns the big 4-0. That’s right, everyone’s favorite never-gonna-grow-up dude is now in his fourth decade. Dave joins him next year.
The blowout this year is at Pants’ house. The Sandbar isn’t quite big enough to contain all the well-wishers. No silly party favors this year, that I know of anyway, but it should be a fun and crazy time all the same.
Ideas for Dave’s big bash next year? Send them my way.
by Debbi | Apr 23, 2007 | Birthday Party, Events
The last post was all about our friend Mandy turning 30 and how her husband was being lame and wouldn’t even go out with her on Friday night.
Wellll… turns out that husband of hers was planning a big surprise party!! And we
sure didn’t want to spoil the surprise on this blog. Pat started planning more than a month ahead of time and sent eVites out to all their friends and raided her cell phone and MySpace pages for more contacts. He even sent many reminder emails about the party so that it was impossible to forget it was going to happen.
The best part, though, was that over Easter weekend while visiting Mandy’s family, he pilfered a bunch of old pictures of Mandy- grade school portraits, family vacation photos, and all kinds of other pictures that I’m sure Mandy would rather the world not see. {We all have those pictures.} He went to the bar well ahead of time and plastered this pictures all over the walls of the upstairs beach area.
Friday night around 6:30 friends and family started gathering upstairs. Aña was in charge of Mandy- the plan was to take her out for drinks after work since her husband was being such a bum. Apparently Mandy was planning to just go to the gym instead. Quite a crowd was gathered in the sand by 7 p.m. when the girls arrived- we could hear them starting up the stairs and all of a sudden we heard "What the he**?" and it was obvious at that point Mandy had seen her junior high class portrait staring back at her.
She was sufficiently surprised at the number of people who had come to the bar to wish her a happy 30th birthday. And, yes, she decided Pat wasn’t such a bad guy after all.
by Debbi | Dec 26, 2006 | Birthday Party, Events, People
Our friend Pat was born on Christmas Eve. (So was our friend Ashley, but this story is about Pat). Everyone knows that Christmas babies get gypped a little bit at the holidays- their birthdays get a little lost in the commotion of Christmas and New Year’s and traveling, and everyone else is getting presents too, so people aren’t necessarily paying attention to the presents the birthday boy/girl opens.
Last Friday some of us thought an impromptu birthday party at The Sandbar would be fun for Pat, a night all his own that wasn’t shared with Santa and church and millions of other kids. Unfortunately, Pat apparently didn’t think it was such a great idea, as he stayed home and didn’t partake in the festivities.
But noooooo, that didn’t stop us….
A few years ago, our very artistic friend Michelle created "Pat Heads" for another of Pat’s birthdays. She took a picture of his face, blew it up, copied it about a hundred times (okay I’m exaggerating, but there were a lot of them), pasted it to a cardboard backer, and glued the face to a stick. When Pat showed up to the party, there were all these "Pat Heads" on sticks bobbing around the bar. Over the years, they’ve slowly disappeared. Someone, and we’ve never figured out who it was, stole one from the bar and took it on their travels with them. The Sandbar received pictures a few times of a "Pat Head" on a beach, in the city, etc.
Anyway, there happens to be one Pat Head left at The Sandbar, but it’s missing the face. It’s just a cardboard shape of his head, which made the night somehow funnier.
Pat experienced lots of adventures on Friday night. He was a mermaid…he drank lots of beers, he fell off his chair. He played foosball upstairs, and he was buried in the sand.
All in all, it was a fun birthday celebration. But it would have been even more fun if the birthday boy would have been there for real.