Door Diaries 1/11/08

Good night. 5-gong night. (5 gong night= great; 1 gong night= terrible). Lot of students back. No good looking girls at all.


Door Diaries 1/12/08

Wedding party. Made $250 at the door. Chris found himself a cougar. It was quite an effort on his part. Go, Chris. Turned away an ID at the door. People were pleasant. Good night.


Door Diaries 9/1/06

Caught middle age girls stealing t-shirts upstairs.

Bar band was good.


(at least he still thinks of the middle-aged women as "girls.")

This is Why You’re Stuck in Line

Imagine my surprise when I opened up today's LJW to a front page article covering the "night consultants" for the local Fire Department, better known to us as the fire marshals and the reason we have a line most nights.

If you didn't read the post from a few days ago, it was about a young gentleman who tried to name-drop his way into the bar ahead of a waiting line. I've explained before why we have a line, and it's well described in the LJW article too: every indoor area where people can gather has a limit on how many people it can hold, and that limit is set by the fire department. The purpose is to make sure all the people can get out safely if there's an emergency.

So whether you agree with their policies or not, the occupancy limit is still a rule we have to follow, and now you know we aren't making this stuff up. Check out the sidebar list in the article of other bars' violations and take note of the fines some places have had to pay. We don't want to have to do that, which is why you're waiting in line.

Ironic that they published this article today; now I promise we won't talk about lines again for at least a month. Unless, of course, something funny happens at the door again.

What Not To Do At The Door

We've talked before about door etiquette at The Sandbar, but I have
a great real life example to share with any of you who might still be
under the (mistaken) impression that the line outside is there because
we like to make people wait, or that if you're some sort of
self-appointed VIP you get special treatment.

A young man walked past the entire line of people waiting to go inside and approached Andrew the doorboy.

Guy: "I was in here last night with Mr. So and So, so I can just come on in tonight, right?"

Andrew: "No, you can wait in line with everybody else."

bickered back and forth a little bit. The line skipper wanted to talk
to the manager; Andrew replied it didn't matter because he was in
charge of the door. The guy kept persisting about wanting to talk to
someone "higher up," but Andrew didn't budge.

The guy realized he
wasn't getting anywhere so he pulled out his phone to call Mr. So and
So, his drinking partner from the night before.

Mr. So and So informed the guy that he needed to ask for Dave, because Dave would help him out.

Guy: "I need to talk to Dave."

Andrew: "No you don't. It doesn't matter, I'm in charge of the door and you can wait like everyone else."

At that particular moment, Dave was actually there, although he wasn't
working and he was not in the mood to deal with people, especially
drunk, rude, and angry people, so he had told Andrew to pretend like he
wasn't there and gave Andrew full authority over the door. But Line
Skipper didn't need to know any of this.

the guy wouldn't let up on Andrew, and he still had Mr. So and So on
the phone trying to figure out a way to get him in the bar.  Finally,
Andrew came up with a response that shut them all up:

Andrew: "Look, tell Mr. So and So he can call my mom and dad."

Apparently the threat of "mom and dad" is a scary one, because Line Skipper promptly hung up the phone and left.