by Debbi | Oct 27, 2008 | Door Diaries
Female entered bar with a birthday party. After a brief stay in the bar and a hurricane, it became apparent this girl needed to leave. Two things worth noting:
1. She was not on the bar during the hurricane.
2. She was not given any alcohol by this establishment.
"I have not seen someone that intoxicated in a long time."- Ron (very perceptive)
by Debbi | Oct 18, 2008 | Door Diaries, Drinking Rules
Overheard at the door last Saturday:
Doorguy John, to couple approaching the door: "There's a $2 cover tonight."
Woman (breezing past John): "Oh, we don't pay that."
John: "Why?"
Woman: "We know Dave."
To give the guy she was with a little credit, he paid the requested cover and didn't argue.
I'm always amused by the things people think they can get away with, simply because they "know" Dave. And for the record, I'd never seen her before, so she couldn't have known Dave that well.
by Debbi | Oct 9, 2008 | Door Diaries
I'm excited to report that the door guys are finally writing in the notebook again, which means very soon I'll have some more recent entries to the ongoing saga of what happens at the door…but for now here's another entry from nearly eight years ago…
Had to turn away a beautiful girl with DUI papers. Her friend was hot too, AND she was dressed like a naughty Catholic high school girl (only older). This is notably one of those times when our rules suck to enforce. But, as a loyal employee, I had to do the right thing. Darn it.
by Debbi | Sep 24, 2008 | Door Diaries
Denied an ID card and one expired driver's license. The guy with the ID
card called later and proceeded to tell Dave to retrain the doorman for
not letting him in….Dave set him straight.
by Debbi | Sep 16, 2008 | Door Diaries
Pat had to eject a man for being too intoxicated; he was looking
up the bar dancers' skirts (the customer, not Pat). The perpetrator
offered to kick Pat's rear but Pat seemed completely disinterested.
1:06 a.m.
I rejected an ID card and after repeated assertions to the individual
that it is our policy not to accept anything short of a driver's
license, he asked me why I didn't pull my head out of my rear.
1:10 a.m.
The last of a group of four women (again!) had an expired driver's
license, which I rejected. She and her friends whined and cried, then
demanded back their cover charges, and left. It worked out quite well
and I unloaded a bunch of $1 dollar bills on them.
"I don't need to drink to have a good time; I need to drink to stop the voices in my head."
{I'm not sure which Robert this was….}
by Debbi | Aug 31, 2008 | Door Diaries
An old guy about 60 or 70 who didn't have a drivers license tried to
come in and was denied. He said he was gonna kick my a** and when I
turned to have Pat call the cops, he walked in the bar. Will caught him
and pretended to call the cops, then escorted him out. He smelled like
alcohol and was probably already drunk. It turned into quite the scene
at the door.
Then people who saw the whole ordeal tried to get in with just an ID card. They weren't pleased either.
a guy with a military ID asked if he could come in (no other ID).
After denial he and his friends left. I never saw the ID but someone
already in the bar knew him and said he was only 20 anyway.
1:30 am a girl fell off her barstool and hit her head on the floor. It
was her 21st birthday. We only served her a couple drinks, and she
drank water for the last hour.