St. Patrick’s Day Recap

This post is waaaay late, but I've been busy. Going back to work after a three-month maternity leave, adjusting to daycare and taking care of a sick baby keep a person busy and doesn't leave much time for blogging.

St. Patrick's Day was so much fun this year! The Sandbar construction crew built a ginormous pirate ship. This float was bigger than any we've built before.

Check out the LJWorld's coverage of the parade here, along with a fabulous photo of our ship. We might buy a copy of that one and frame it for the bar. The LJWorld talkbackers seem to think we build boats every year, but that's not true. We haven't built a boat since 2007, when we danced on a double decker riverboat, and before that it was 2004's Love Boat. Our last pirate ship was back in 2002.


Here's a picture from atop the float as it made its way down Mass Street:


The float had several decks for dancing pirates. The ladies on the middle deck improvised their dance moves and created a circle dance during the Drunken Sailor song. It looked so good that Dave the DJ kept playing that song over and over…and apparently it wore them out. Sorry, girls!

Our floats always have secret touches or inside jokes, and this year was no exception. In keeping with recent tradition, the pirate ship had his and hers bathrooms. And this year, two of our chief float builders decided to go on a cruise on a real ship instead of dancing on ours. Dave made sure they were still represented though:


These Justin and Michelle heads rode on the highest point of the float, up in the crow's nests. After the parade, we had a lot of fun posing for pictures with them.

As a thank you for missing the parade, Dave played a prank on them. He left a life-size statue of a pirate we call "Shaky" in the bathroom in their house. It scared the crap out of them when they got home. They'll never miss another parade again!

See more parade pictures on our Facebook page. Got pictures of our float? We'd love to see them! Email them to us at


Join our NCAA Bracket Pool!

It's time for March Madness!

A few years ago, we had a Sandbar bracket challenge on Facebook. It was a lot of fun, and we gave away some Sandbar shirts to the winners.

This year we're doing it again, but it's a little bit different. It's not on Facebook- we didn't want to use an application, plus not everyone is on Facebook (yes, it's true!) so this way, everyone can participate.

Inspired by our Twitter and real-life friend Justin, we created a Sandbar group on

Go here to join our group. It's a private group called Sandbar (I wasn't feeling very original), and the password is hurricane. You can join or leave the group only before the second round begins. If you don't already have an account on, you'll need to create one.

Winner gets a T-shirt and a gift certificate! And you can talk smack, too! Think you can beat Dave?

Kansas Craft Brew Expo

Here's a fun new event in downtown Lawrence for the beer drinkers out there: the inaugural Kansas Craft Brew Expo!

The Kansas Craft Brewers Guild and Downtown Lawrence are collaborating to put on this event Saturday, March 3. It will feature craft brewers from around the region, and ticket holders can sample their brews. There will also be food, music, t-shirts and glassware.

Tickets are $30 and they're going fast. In fact, Free State Brewery estimates that the event will sell out in the next few days. You can purchase tickets at the Sandbar, Free State, 23rd Street Brewery, Sharks Surf Shop, hobbs, Brit's and Cottin's Hardware in Lawrence.

The event is Saturday, March 3 (the day of the KU-Texas basketball game at Allen Fieldhouse, at 8 p.m. that night!) and will be located at Abe & Jake's in downtown Lawrence. You must be 21 to enter.

For more information about the expo, visit their website at You can find a list of participating brewers, ticket info and a schedule.

You can also follow the event on Twitter or join their page on Facebook.

And remember- if you want to go, buy your tickets NOW!

The Morning After a Sandbar Party

It's a good thing our man on the street Pat keeps sending material our way for this blog, otherwise we wouldn't have much to talk about. Thanks, Pat!

Here's a picture of what the morning after a Sandbar party looks like.


Here's what he had to say: "Headed to work. My truck sure looks like I've been to a Sandbar party. In my backseat: Santa and pirate suits, pirate mug, cowboy hat, tinsel, Bob Marley glass, pair of boxers, jumper cables, and a purple flower hangin' from the rearview mirror."

Sure sounds like a Sandbar assortment of stuff to us.

Valentine’s Day at the Lodge in Baldwin City

Unless you're new around here (and if you are, that's okay!), you already know that our founder Peach also owns the Lodge in Baldwin City, a rustic motel and banquet facility. Baldwin City is just a short drive south of Lawrence.

If you haven't made plans with your valentine this weekend, check out the Lodge! They're holding a Valentine Dance from 8 p.m. to midnight. Mark Valentine and the Ticklers, the band that has headlined our annual birthday block party for the past three years, will be performing all your favorite songs.

There's no cover charge for the dane, but you must be 21 or older to attend.

If you want to make the night even more special, add a motel room for just $69, or a suite for $99. Call the Lodge for more information or to make reservations. You can reach them at 785.594.3900 or by email at 

It's sure to be a fun night!

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Today is a big day for Jayhawk fans everywhere. The KU men's basketball team travels to that town in our neighboring state to the east to take on their most hated rival. That alone always makes it a big game, but this year has even more significance, since that school has chosen to leave our conference and this might be the last year we ever play them.

There's a lot of hatred between these two teams. YouTube videos have been exchanged (just Google "We are KU," it's entertaining) and insults have been hurled across the internet.

A lot of the animosity between fans of each school is fueled by history: residents of both states were fighting all the way back in the Civil War era. Several of us actually took a history tour last summer to learn more about Quantrill's Raid, when the city of Lawrence was burned.

We love a good sports rivalry, but we also hope that Jayhawk fans can stay classy tonight, wherever you're watching the game.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!