Kansas Relays Downtown

We LOVE events taking place in Downtown Lawrence, and we especially love events that take place in our block.

This year, the Kansas Relays is trying something new: they're bringing three track and field events to downtown Lawrence!

April 20:

The elite men's shot put will be on 8th Street between Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The street will close at 6 a.m. to allow for set up of a shot put area. The competition starts at 6 p.m. and will end around 8 p.m. The street will reopen at 11 p.m.

We love that they chose our block for the shot put. We've already made all kinds of jokes about where we'll be putting our own shots that night.

Our friends from Richard's Music next door will also be playing a concert later that night, and beer will be available for sale also.

April 21:

The elite men's long jump will take place on the other side of 8th Street, between Massachusetts and Vermont.The street will close at 11 a.m., the competition starts at 6 p.m., and will end around 8 p.m. Again, the street should be open by 11 p.m.

Also that day, the Kansas Relays Street Mile will start in the 700 block of New Hampshire at 5:30 p.m. and finish in the 700 block of Vermont.

This event will impact several areas of Downtown Lawrence. The route wll go down New Hampshire, turn right onto 11th St., cross Massachusetts, and turn right on to Vermont. The intersections will temporarily be closed until all the runners pass through. The organizers anticipate the event should be completed by 5:45 p.m., and all streets will be reopened at 6:15 p.m.

We're super excited about these unique events being held downtown. The Kansas Relays take place every year, but many people in Lawrence never have a reason to be involved or even know it's going on. Bringing some of the events downtown is a great way to involve the whole community, and it gives us all something different to do for an evening!

We hope you'll all come out and help support these great events!

We got a nice mention in a KUSports.com column about the event by Tom Keegan today. Check it out!

Super Tucker’s Benefit

Our dear friend Rheva, who tended bar here briefly several years ago, sent us information about a benefit event coming up this weekend.

Super Tucker's Benefit is a tribute to Tucker, a 9 year old boy, son, brother, grandson, nephew and friend. In 2003, at just 15 months old, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He manages his illness with help from the doctors at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

  • When: Saturday, April 16
  • Time: 4 p.m.
  • Where: Eagles Lodge, 1803 W. 6th St., Lawrence

There will be a delicious buffet available for a $10 charge, and a $5 entry fee for the games. Every penny that is raised will go to the charity; all items have been donated and all time is volunteered. Hope to see you there!

Tucker Poster 8x10

Adult Swim Block Party

The Adult Swim block party made a big splash on our block last year, and we're excited that they're back this year with a Ragbag of Jollification! (Not really sure what that means, but it sounds like fun.)

This year's Adult Swim Carnival will feature Pusha-T and DJ Rick Geez. You won't find them on our jukebox, but you can find them in on a stage in front of our bar.

  • When: Thursday, April 14
  • Time: 6 p.m.-11 p.m.
  • Where: 8th & New Hampshire

The event is free, and in addition to live music there will be prizes and games with names like Convict Escape, Flunko and Balloonicorn Blowout!

You can RSVP on Facebook, or visit www.adultswimpresents.com to find out more. The event is open to all ages, but Adult Swim says their content is not. Also, be aware that alcohol will not be allowed in the street.

Hope to see you there!

Walk MS

Some of the Sandbar crew is participating in Walk MS for the second year in a row. This year's walk is on Saturday, April 30, and we'd love to have you join us!

Our team is currently in first place for fundraising in the Lawrence Walk with $1,241!

Join our team or make a donation here.

This week is a special fundraising week with lots of prizes:

  • $100 or more new funds raised this week gets you in a drawing for prizes
  • Update your participant page this week and be put in a prize drawing
  • Raise the most money this week and win a great Walk MS prize

The team who raises the most money this week will be announced as Fundraising Week Champions at the Walk, and they'll be the first team to start the Walk.

We have some prizes for our Sandbar team members, too, so get busy raising money!

As a reminder, everyone who raises at least $25 will get a free Sandbar shirt, and if you raise $125 you'll also get this year's official Walk MS shirt.

KZOO+Shark Attack Cupcakes

Did you know last week was Shark Week on the KU campus?

KZOO, a student group new to campus this year, proclaimed last week as Shark Week. All week long, they offered up shark facts on their Facebook page, like this one:

Female sharks are capable of parthenogenesis, which is the ability to give birth without even touching a male. Amazing!

Shark Week culminated with baby sharks in the Kansas Union named Marcus and Sharkieff and shark attack cupcakes.

You might remember another reference to shark attack cupcakes. Our friend Brenna, a journalist and baker, created the recipe after our popular Shark Attack drink, and she shared some of the tasty treats with us last fall.

(Read Brenna's account of the shark attack cupcakes here.)

KZOO asked Brenna to bake up some more shark attack cupcakes for them, and they sold them in the Union as a fundraiser.

Of course, we had to have one.

Join the Sandbar’s Walk MS Team

It's almost time for this year's Walk MS event!

Walk MS is an annual event sponsored by the Mid America Chapter of the National MS Society. The goal is to raise money to support multiple sclerosis research.

When: Saturday, April 30
Time: 9 a.m. registration, 10 a.m. walk begins
Location: Sunflower Elementary, Lawrence

We'd love for you to join our team! Sandbar walkers had a great time last year, and after the walk we had an after party at the Sandbar.

Our team goal this year is $5000. All walkers who raise at least $100 will earn an official Walk MS T-shirt. For extra incentive, everyone who raises at least $25 will get a free Sandbar T-shirt.

There are lots of prize opportunities along the way, both from the MS Society as well as from our team. Last year we gave out several gift cards to team members and people who made donations.

It's easy to raise money. The Walk MS website lets you send e-mails to friends and family, and you can also install a Facebook application to share information with your friends.

Unfortunately, those of us at the Sandbar know many people who are either suffering from MS or have family or friends diagnosed with it. Rockstar bartender Danny has been raising money for the MS Society for years through Bike MS; he's riding again this year and you can support him here.

Join our team today!