Dolphin Sighting

Last fall the Sandbar crew put together a volleyball team for the Lawrence Parks and Rec leagues. We weren't very competitive, but Team Shark Attack managed a respectable 10-20 finish, or sixth place out of nine teams.

Most of the team members wanted to play again in the winter league. Given that our team wasn't much of an "attack," we changed the name to a something softer: Dolphin Sighting.

So far, Dolphin Sighting has won two games. Yes, two. The pre-game drinks might not be helping our athletic abilities very much. But we're definitely the team winning in the "having the most fun category." Yes, I said "winning." (That's a Charlie Sheen reference if you still don't get it.)

We have three games left. Wish us luck!


The referee kindly took this team photo after last week's win. Notice how the guys are all trying to look serious and intimidating.

KC Limits Live at The Sandbar

Fun event coming up this Friday! The KC Limits radio show will be live on the air from 7-9 p.m. at The Sandbar, celebrating their 100th show.

The Sandbar might be known for its island Jimmy Buffett music, but there's a special place in our hearts for the music known as red dirt or Texas country. We have a little bit of it on the jukebox, mostly in mix/compilation CD's, but Dave has an ample amount on his iPod and he'll kick it on for special occasions.

This is one of those occasions.

Our friend Justin hosts the weekly KC Limits show on 106.5 The Wolf radio station, from 9-midnight every Sunday night. He plays the best of red dirt country music, along with some of your favorite outlaw and legendary country artists mixed in.

Many of these artists play in Lawrence and Justin always comes up for the shows, usually meeting us at the Sandbar beforehand. We like to think we've become an unofficial pre-party spot for Lawrence's red dirt shows.

This Friday, Robert Earl Keen comes to town. Don't know him? His college neighbor was Lyle Lovett, so if you like Lyle's music you'll probably love Robert Earl Keen. You can read more about him here. The Josh Abbott Band opens the show at the Granada. Tickets are only $20 in advance, and that is a steal.

Come on out to the Sandbar on Friday to see what a live radio show is all about, and then head to the Granada with us for a great concert!

RSVP on Facebook

St. Patrick’s Pub Quiz Trivia Night

Everybody knows St. Patrick's Day is our favorite holiday. But it's not just about the parade on March 17; we love all the events leading up to the parade, too. And one of our favorite events is the annual Pub Quiz trivia night.

Former Sandbar-tender Scottie Mack organizes this event every year, and Andy from Channel 6's One on One trivia hosts it. We see many of the same teams every year- Johnny's, the team everybody likes to pick on (or smack), We Are The World Company, Tabula Rasa and lots of others. Of course there are some new teams each year.

Last night found our team at the Eagles Lodge, holding our own against some of the smartest people in town. Between our American history experts and our gossip column buffs, we had it covered.

There was controversy- who knew there was a Massachusetts Street behind Johnny's?- and there was "that guy" who always yells out the answer when it's another team's question.

There was an amazing brisket buffet and lots of prizes, including a basketball signed by the 2011 KU men's team.

And most of all, there was fun.

Speaking of fun, let's see how many of you know this, the final question:

In 1929, America heard him say "hot dogs."

We wagered 1073 points on the final question. We lost. Herbert Hoover is not the answer.

For more fun, do you know the significance of 1073? It's not just a random number we picked.

We’re Going to Fin Land!

No, not the country, although that could be an interesting trip.

Jimmy Buffett is finally returning to Kansas City after a long break and playing the Sprint Center on April 30 as part of the "Welcome to Fin Land" tour. He last played in Kansas City in 1997.

Lots of years ago, the Sandbar crew took a bus trip to Denver to see Jimmy Buffett. It was before my time, but I've heard lots of stories and seen the pictures. And there were certainly stories. I'm hoping to corner a few of the trip's participants and grill them about what they remember so I can share it here.

Back in the late 90's, we took another bus trip to Buffett, this time to St. Louis. It rained almost the entire show but we had a blast.

And now, we'll see him in Kansas City. The Sprint Center won't be quite the same as an outdoor amphitheater with large parking lots suited for tailgating, but we'll make it work.

It certainly was a fiasco to get tickets. Dave was on the phone and I was online right at 10 a.m., and we spent a lot of frustrating time with Ticketmaster. I finally managed to get a few pairs online, and then Dave had the best idea ever: go to the Ticketmaster outlet at HyVee. Genius! He got tickets with no problems at all.

We don't have any official plans for the concert yet. We've talked about taking a bus from Lawrence to the concert; we've also thought about renting hotel rooms and spending the night near Power & Light. Once we have a Sandbar party plan, we'll be sure to let you know.

Who else was lucky enough to score some tickets?

Happy 2011!

Welcome to 2011, everybody! All of us at the Sandbar hope you had a great celebration last night, whether you stayed home, went out or partied with us.

Our wig party was a smashing success! What started out as an idea Dave borrowed from the band Lucero (he saw a reference to a wig party on one of their videos) turned into a fun party with lots of participation.

The bar's been busy all week (and we thank you for that!) and last night was no exception. By 9 p.m. the bar was full of New Year's revelers, and the local Channel 6 video reporter showed up too. There were also some Channel 6 staffers at the party…with wigs…but they successfully avoided my camera. We later watched ourselves on the Channel 6 newscast (I haven't been able to find a link to the video online to share.)

Here's a few pictures:


We had an early hurricane featuring the 21st birthday girl, Allie (or it might have been Hallie, sorry!).


You can see a few wigs in the crowd…


A lot of our staff members who weren't on the clock still came to the party last night, and surprisingly many of them were NOT wearing wigs. But our customers made up for their lack of costume- thanks to everyone who joined our fun and sported a wig!

We didn't take very many pictures last night, but you can see them on our Facebook page or Flickr page. If you have any to share we'd love to see them!

New Year’s Eve: Wig Party

You might long for the day when a holiday comes and the Sandbar doesn't require a costume of some sort, but it's probably not going to happen anytime soon. Dave adores any reason to dress up in some kind of crazy attire, and New Year's Eve is no different.

This year, we're having a Wig Party. You'll have to ask Dave where he came up with that idea.

That's right, the only requirement is that you wear a wig. Dress fancy in your black-tie best, or go casual in jeans and a sweater, but find a wig- any wig- and put it on.

Here are the party details:

  • Friday, December 31
  • We'll be open in the afternoon but the party starts at 7 p.m.
  • Cover: to be determined, but there will be one
  • Admission includes party favors, snacks and midnight champagne toast

We hope you can join us! We're looking forward to all the crazy wigs!

RSVP on Facebook.