by Debbi | Jul 31, 2010 | Cool Stuff, Events
Shark Week, the week-long Discovery Channel series, starts Sunday!
Shark Week started in 1987 and is held annually in late July/early August. We've never celebrated it at the Sandbar because it sneaks up on us every year. Not this year!
Shark Week kicks off tomorrow with "Ultimate Air Jaws" at 8 p.m. CST, followed by "Into the Shark Bite" which give you close up views of shark attacks from inside the shark's mouth. Check out the full Shark Week episode guide to find your favorite shows.
Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m., a live, interactive dive tour kicks off on the "Shark Cam," followed by tiger, hammerhead and whale shark feedings.
The Shark Week website has all kinds of cool stuff: shark facts, games, and you can even Shark Yourself! Upload a picture of yourself or someone else and add eyes, a mouth and other shark features.
Stop by this week and watch some Shark Week features with us! Our signature drink, the Shark Attack, is $2 on Tuesday and $3 on Thursday; all other days it's $4. Happy Shark Week!
by Debbi | Jul 26, 2010 | Events
The Joe Factor is leaving the Sandbar.
Joe's lovely fiancee Teresa graduated from Washburn Law in May, and she's taking the bar exam this week. While she's been studying all summer, Joe's been living it up at the Sandbar and at manager Dave's backyard pool. But now, Teresa has landed a job in the metropolis of Emporia, and they'll be leaving Lawrence soon.
Wednesday is Joe's final regular bartending shift at the Sandbar. I say "final regular," because we certainly hope he'll come back to visit and make a guest appearance behind the bar or at the door.
Come join us on Wednesday night and wish Joe well in his new adventures in Emporia.
Some of the staff in "Cuddle Island" with Joe. That's how much they'll miss him.
Share your favorite Joe Factor memories and moments in the comments!
RSVP on Facebook
by Debbi | Jul 25, 2010 | Events, People
"You have a baby! In a bar?!?"
Love that movie. Today, it was reality at the Sandbar. We hosted what we think is our first-ever baby shower.
Long-time regular customers and float dancers Brandon and Sherri (who I think may have also met at our establishment, but I'm not positive) are expecting their first bundle of joy in September. Sherri's friends wanted to have a fun shower for her, and the Sandbar seemed a logical place.
We aren't open on Sunday afternoons anyway, so it was the perfect time for a bunch of ladies to gather and play games, open gifts, eat snacks and drink Bahama Mama's. Heather even made a virgin "Bahama Mommy" for the mommy-to-be.
The back corner of the bar might have looked a little unusual, with all the pastel gift bags and stuffed animals decorating the space:
Of course, the proud parents put a commemorative dollar bill on the wall, high above the ladies' room so no one can tear it down.
We wondered what passers-by might think if they looked in the window and saw ladies pinning baby clothes to a makeshift clothesline. Or the random customer who might think we're open and wander into a pink extravaganza. We even had a stroller and a five month old baby present for the festivities.
The shower was such a hit that we're thinking maybe Sunday afternoons could be useful after all. Bridal and baby showers might be a fun thing for us to host, and for girls who love the Sandbar and want a fun, casual place to hold an event, it's perfect. If you're interested, let us know.
Congratulations to Brandon and Sherri and baby girl!
by Debbi | Jul 7, 2010 | Birthday Party, Downtown, Events
We had so much fun with our block party last year, we're having another one! And really, how could we *not* celebrate our 21st birthday?
We don't have a lot of details yet, but here's what you need to know:
- When: Saturday, August 14
- Where: 8th Street, between Massachusetts and New Hampshire Streets
- Live music by Valentine and the Ones, the same band we had last year
- Beer garden
- Family friendly event
We'll have more surprises to announce over the next month, but mark your calendar. This is an event you won't want to miss!
Be sure to use the hashtag #sb21 when tweeting about the party, for my fellow geeks on Twitter.
by Debbi | Jun 24, 2010 | Events, Social Media
Obviously, the Sandbar likes social media. We blog, Facebook, tweet and share pictures on Flickr and videos on YouTube. We've hosted tweetups and even achieved the coveted Foursquare Swarm Badge. And we have some special offers for customers who "check in" using location-based social media networks Whrrl and Foursquare.
We invite you to celebrate Social Media Day with us next Wednesday, June 30. Mashable, the world's most popular blog devoted to social media, has decreed June 30 to be Social Media Day. They're organizing meetups in cities where they have staff, and they've encouraged the rest of the world to organize their own meetups that day too.
So, whether you keep up with family on Facebook, tweet with strangers, network on LinkedIn, dabble in another form of social media- maybe you even still have a MySpace account like us!- or you just want to enjoy a refreshing cocktail, join us next Wednesday night.
- When: Wednesday, June 30
- Time: 6 p.m.- 2 a.m.
- Where: 17 East 8th Street, Lawrence, KS
We'll have 2-for-1 Beachtini's, our popular Skittle infused vodka drinks, along with some snacks. Stop by for a drink, bring some friends and meet new people.
RSVP on the Facebook event or on the Mashable meetup.
by Debbi | Jun 14, 2010 | Events
Longtime bartender Danny will work his final Tuesday shift this week. He's leaving us (during the week, at least) to start nursing school in Kansas City. He'll be way too busy to drive back here and serve drinks during the week.
You're all invited to stop by and wish him well.
- When: Tuesday, June 15
- Time: 5-9 p.m.
- Where: 17 East 8th Street
Danny's leaving next week for Idaho to compete in an Ironman triathlon, and then he has summer classes until nursing school starts this fall. Once his shift is over on Tuesday, he'll be free to party with all of you.
And of course, Tuesday features $1.50 almost anything, $2 premiums and no cover until 8 p.m.
You can RSVP on Facebook if you want to, and feel free to share the event with your friends. Hope to see you there!
(Danny's also participating in the Bike MS fundraising bike ride this year. If you feel so inclined, please donate to the cause here.)