Bartender Danny and the Fun Police

We love to see our friends, customers and employees doing good things for the community, and bartender Danny is a rock star. He's getting ready to ride in his fourth Bike MS, a fundraiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

In his first three rides, Danny raised $600, $1000 and $1200, and so far this year he's raised a whopping $1600! Go Danny!

The Sandbar is a big supporter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Many of us here unfortunately know several people impacted by multiple sclerosis. Last year we sponsored a team in the Lawrence Walk MS event, and we had a great time raising money and walking.

One year Danny shaved his head when he met his fundraising goal. Another year he grew a mustache. And kept it around for awhile.

We don't see Danny as much as we used to since he moved to Kansas City for nursing school, but donating a few dollars to his efforts would be a great way to let him know how much you appreciate all those shots he's poured.

Visit his fundraising page to make a donation and read about his commitment.

Help Light the Night- Leukemia & Lymphoma Fundraiser

Our very good friend and customer Susan is participating in the Light the Night Walk, a fundraising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The LLS funds research that contributes to advances in treatments for blood cancers, as well as treatments such as chemotherapy and stem cell transplants.

The Light the Night Walk is a chance to pay tribute to those battling blood cancers and to commemorate loved ones who lost their battle.

We're supporting Susan in this effort because many of us also know someone who has been touched by these cancers.

You can make a tax-deductible donation on her fundraising page

As an added bonus, for every $10 you donate, Susan will enter you into a drawing for a laptop donated by the dentists at Legends Drive Dental. And, if that weren't enough- if the team reaches their goal, the dentists have agreed to shave their heads

What are you waiting for! Be a superstar and donate a few bucks.

Live United in Douglas County

We had a great time at the United Way's Campaign Kickoff Carnival!

The event was moved to Abe & Jake's at the last minute because of the gloomy, rainy weather in Lawrence, but a good crowd still turned out for carnival games and food. Baby Jay made an appearance! (And took a picture with a little kid in our pirate cut-out! We're waiting for a better picture to share.)

Our bag toss games kept a bunch of kids entertained in the corner.  We handed out a few free Sandbar t-shirts, too. Everyone at the event got free Live United t-shirts, and then the crowd gathered in the main area for a group photo.

Some of us are a little disappointed that the venue change meant there wouldn't be a pie-throwing contest. Dave was volunteered to be a target, and we found out earlier today that Friday bartender Phil was also going to be in it. Someone was watching out for them!

Here's a few pictures of us clowning around at the event.


If you've been around Dave much, you know how he likes to take these circle group photos. We all put our clown noses on to pose for a picture, and then we took turns in the pirate and mermaid cut-outs.

We're proud to be a part of community events like these.

United Way of Douglas County Kickoff Carnival

The United Way of Douglas County is getting ready to kick off their annual fundraising campaign, and this year they're hosting a carnival to get the party started!

Our fearless leader Peach is the Campaign Kickoff Committee co-chair along with our friend Katy. They like to call themselves the ring leaders. And they've cooked up some great entertainment!

  • When: Thursday, September 9
  • Time: 5:30 p.m.
  • Where: South Park (in case of rain, event will be at Abe & Jake's Landing)

UWDC There will be all kinds of fun stuff to do at this family-friendly event! Enjoy live music, clowns and cotton candy; take a picture with Baby Jay, and jump around in the bounce house. We're bringing our cornhole boards (custom-made by Dave!) for a bag toss tournament.

The best part? There's a pie-throwing contest. And Dave is a target. Who do you think will be first in line!

The first 500 guests will get a free Live United t-shirt, and Lawrence artist Stan Herd will be directing a huge group photo shoot at the party. Hy-Vee is providing free hot dogs and chips.

Don't miss this great community event! We're thrilled to be involved in such an important cause for Lawrence and Douglas County.

RSVP on Facebook for the event and be sure to invite your friends.

You can find the United Way of Douglas County on Facebook and on Twitter. If you tweet about the event, please use the hashtag #uwdgcokickoff.

Walk MS 2010 was a Success!

Yesterday's Walk MS in Lawrence was a huge success!

The Sandbar team's 17 members had a great time. Most of us met at the bar at 8:30 am- and for several of us it was a VERY early morning. Carpools were arranged and orange special edition Sandbar/Walk MS shirts were handed out. Then, it was off to registration at Sunflower Elementary.

The volunteers who staffed the event did a great job. There was breakfast food and water available to everyone, and the registration lines moved quickly. All walkers who raised at least $100 got a free Walk MS t-shirt, too.

20100410_walkms_0004 As the walkers lined up at the starting point, buzz was building about a very special guest who had been spotted- Secretary of Health & Human Services and former Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius was present! She cut the ribbon at the starting line, and she also walked with the group.

Two walking routes were available- 3 miles and 6 miles. Guess which one we picked. It was funny, though, because team member Courtney's mom and aunt thought we all picked the long route, so they turned a different way, thinking they were taking the short route. Turns out, we were on the short route- and they created their own even shorter route. I think she was disappointed when she found out she didn't actually walk 3 miles.

Our whole team finished, and Michelle and Bettina even did a celebratory run to the finish line for their medals.

After the walk, we all headed back to the Sandbar for sandwiches, fruit, and cake graciously provided by team captain Courtney. And let me tell you, we were a lively bunch….everyone was tired. Or maybe hungover. But we're not judging.

Thanks to everyone who donated funds or walked for the cause- your efforts are truly appreciated!


Walk MS 2010 in Lawrence

Well, the time has come for our awesome Sandbar team to take to the sidewalks in West Lawrence and walk for MS.

The annual Walk MS, a fundraiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, is tomorrow. Registration begins at 9 a.m. at Sunflower Elementary School and the Walk begins at 10. I haven't been able to find any information about how long the Walk is- it could be a mile, or we could be walking all day.

Our team is currently in second place among Lawrence teams with $2033 raised! We set a lofty goal of $5000, so we fell short of that- but it sounds like some of our walkers still have cash & check donations that haven't been included in our total.

The first place team is the Old West Lawrence Walkers, and holy cow! They have raised $8470 as of right now! That's truly amazing and we concede there's no way we'll overtake them.

Funny enough, there's also a Team Margaritaville in the Lawrence Walk! It's not us, but we love their name! And some of our other Sandbar friends are on Team Droopy.

Come out tomorrow to Sunflower Elementary and support our team. We'll be the ones in the bright orange Sandbar shirts. And, it's not too late to donate if you're so inclined. Head over to our Team Page and make a donation online, or contact one of our team members. 

After the Walk, we'll be celebrating with an after-party at the Sandbar. Join us, or check it out on the webcam!