More JibJab Halloween Greetings from the Sandbar

We're back with more fun JibJab Halloween videos, starring our awesome staff!

First up: chills, spills and thrills with zombie party, featuring Joe, John and Danny.

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Next, the Monster Rap, starring Phil, Hayley, Tegan, Coleen and Fyler.


Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Check out JibJab and make your own fun Halloween video cards! It's almost as fun as getting candy at the door.

Sandbar Monster Mash

We LOVE Halloween and we love JibJab almost as much.

If you're not familiar with JibJab, you need to get with it. It's a site that lets you upload pictures of you and your friends and insert them into hilarious personalized videos and cards. We like it so much we paid for a subscription last year, so we get access to even more videos. It's a great time waster.

So, here's our first Halloween JibJab card this year: the Monster Mash, starring Dave, Heather, Blair, Andrew and me.


Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

We hope you enjoyed our first Happy Halloween card! More to come, since last year there was a staff uprising when people got left out of the Christmas elf video.

Rocky Horror Picture Show Haunted Bus Trip

We had so much fun on last year's Rocky Horror Picture Show adventure, we're doing it again! This crowd favorite will certainly become an annual event.


This year's party bus details:

  • When: Friday, October 29
  • Time: 7 p.m., The Sandbar in Lawrence
  • Cost: $25 per person

The bus will leave The Sandbar at 7 p.m. and travel the haunted back roads to Baldwin City, where we'll stop and pick people up at the Lodge, probably around 7:30. The adventure will continue to Dunn's Landing, a fantastic farm in Wellsville, where we'll stop for a Halloween party and refreshments.

Finally, the bus will head to the historic Crystal Plaza movie theater in Ottawa for the main event: a special screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Audience participation and costumes are highly encouraged!

The cost of $25 includes the bus trip, refreshments, Halloween party, admission to the movie and props. After the movie we'll travel the same route back to Lawrence.

A sign-up sheet is at the bar now, and you can pay by check or credit card. You'll have to pay at the time you sign up; we can't hold your spot without payment because we need to know how many people are going. We might have to get two buses!

Or, you can pay via Paypal by sending your payment to If you can't make it to the bar to sign up, and you don't want to use Paypal, please e-mail us at the same address to make payment arrangements.

We hope to have lots more crazy characters join us on our Halloween adventure this year!

Best Halloween Costume: Shark Attack and Bahama Mama

We've long since forgotten about Halloween with all the other holidays and costumes that have occupied us since October. Until the other night, when customer Devin told Dave about his Halloween costume last year.

Devin and his friend dressed up in the ultimate Sandbar fan costumes: a Shark Attack and a Bahama Mama! Devin kindly sent us pictures of their attire and gave us permission to post here for the world to see.

20091031_halloween devintenney_0002 20091031_halloween devintenney_0003 

The guys took vinyl sharks and rubber duck toys from actual Sandbar drinks and attached them to their shirts, complete with "blood" for the Shark Attack costume. Grass skirts and hats and beads rounded out the costumes.

Great job and kudos for your creativity! Thanks for sharing!

What Words Bring You Here

It's been awhile since I posted about the keyword searches that internet surfers do that lands them on our lovely little blog. Okay, it's been a whole year. I'm sure you've been dying to know this information, too.

I can always tell when hurricane season is upon us- the real, actual, weather-related hurricane season, not the perpetual hurricane season at the Sandbar. How? Because people all over the internets start searching like mad for "what happens during a hurricane."  It's easily the most popular phrase that lands people here.

Somehow, I don't think our answer is quite what they are looking for. It's probably more fun than the other answer, though.

Some other fun phrases that have popped up lately:

  1. Wore heels all night Halloween.  This search was probably done by Dave. And he was probably looking for the ladies who continue to wear spike heels and dance on his fancy benches and pound little dents into them. Thanks, girls. He'll probably want to re-do the benches soon now.
  2. Actual volleyball team. This one made me laugh out loud. Wrong blog, people. There's no *actual* volleyball team here, just a bunch of wanna-be's.
  3. Andrew, KU Bar Band, Tuba. We talk a lot about the Bar Band and our doorboy Andrew. Apparently there is also a tuba player named Andrew in the Bar Band, and someone is looking for him. I hope it's a cute girl. 
  4. Joe's Sandbar Ottawa. Another one that made me chuckle. We poke a lot of fun at Joe, but it's all in good fun, and he knows it. At least I think he does. He's now been elevated to the owner of the Sandbar in Ottawa by the internets.
  5. How to add fan photos on Facebook. This search actually shows up a lot. I'm rather proud of the little instructional post I wrote about this- it was actually pretty difficult to figure out how to do this, so I hope this post helps someone out there.

There you have it, the search phrases I deemed most interesting. Or at least the ones I had something to say about.

Odds and Ends

It's been pretty slow on the we've-got-news front, but I've got a few random odds and ends to share.

1.  Thanks for a fantastic weekend! Downtown hasn't been as busy as usual lately, but last weekend was definitely an exception. The final home football game of the season certainly helped.

While we wish KU had won the game, we always appreciate the Nebraska fans that visit. As far as fans from other teams go, they are always very fun and never cause any problems.

2.  Speaking of the gamethis blog post popped up in my Google alerts today (that was fast!).  It's about local music and our neighbor to the east, the Tap Room. Apparently the craziness of the football weekend spilled over there, too, and some folks had trouble finding us. 

3.  New pictures! I found more pictures from Halloween hiding on my camera. You can check them out on our Facebook fan page or our Flickr photostream.

That's all I've got tonight.