"Where are the mermaid costumes?" asked the bartender on duty. There weren't any hanging up.
"Didn't they run one last night (Sunday)?" Dave asked. "I'll find out, they must have disappeared on Saturday night."
After calling the Saturday night staff, Dave determined that for the first time ever, we were completely without a mermaid costume. Through the past eight years, we've been through quite a few costumes, as they fall apart or disappear every so often. But never have we been without at least one.
Later that week, Andrew ran into a girl on campus who had been the Saturday night mermaid. He confronted her.
"Did you steal the mermaid costume?!" he demanded.
"No! We wore them around all night but we left them on the popcorn machine before we left." she said.
Of course. An easy spot for someone else to grab the apparently-coveted item on their way out the door.
Fortunately, our mermaid-costume maker, Coleen's mom Sylvia, was able to whip one up rather quickly as a replacement. It's a little bit shorter than normal- on tall girls it's more like a mermaid mini- but that's a good thing. Part of the reason the costumes get so worn out is because they're long and get stepped on all the time.
Coming soon: a funny story about the lengths some of us will go to in order to find stolen mermaid costumes.
Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate our 21st birthday last night! We had a blast and hope you did too. We'll have pictures, video and stories to share for a long time to come, so check back for updates.
We're also looking for guest bloggers, so if you went to the party and have a funny story or want to share your experience with us, let us know. Send us an email at sandbar@thesandbar.com.
Now, for an update on the hurricane video contest! At this moment, there are 408 votes. That is amazing! Kim is still in the lead with "Don't pick up guys during a hurricane" and 48% of the votes. Justin is on her heels with "Don't ride a scooter during a hurricane" and 40% of the votes.
Remember, you can still vote through Monday around noon. The poll is restricted to one vote per IP address. The winner gets free sandwiches for a year from Sandbar Sub Shop and their video will be included in the 2010 hurricane video. We still might choose other clips for the hurricane video, but the winner is guaranteed a spot.
Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell strangers! This is truly a crowd-sourced decision and we value your input.
Hey friends! Well, the video entries are in, and it’s time to vote for your favorite! We got one last minute entry, and since we’re nice, we accepted it. There’s a total of nine videos- watch them all and choose the one you like best.
Send it to your friends! The winner will get a year’s worth of free sandwiches from the newly opened Sandbar Sub Shop (inside Zarco66 on East 23rd Street), and their video clip will be featured in our next hurricane video.
You’ve got a week to vote- the poll closes next Monday. Good luck to all the entrants!
When we launched our hurricane video contest last month, we expected to be overwhelmed with entries. After all, we only asked for ten seconds of something semi-funny, and these days everyone has access to a video camera on their phone or camera. And everyone and their mother has a suggestion for the video.
However. We've only received three entries in the contest from two different people. And while they're fine entries, we'd rather have too many to choose from.
Free subs for a year, people! How does that not entice you to film something, anything!?!
For those of you who are creatively challenged, we present a list of "what not to do in a hurricane."
Don't dance outdoors in a hurricane. (You might lose your clothes.)
Don't attempt outdoor baking in a hurricane. (You'll end up covered in flour.)
Don't ask for a girl's number in a hurricane. (The number will blow away.)
Don't put a dollar bill on the wall in a hurricane. (It will blow away.)
Don't try to make a sandwich during a hurricane. (Food fight!)
Don't style your hair during a hurricane. (You'll just make it worse.)
Don't drink a Shark Attack during a hurricane. (Cherry juice everywhere!)
Don't pour beer during a hurricane. (Save the beer!)
Don't throw a frisbee in a hurricane. (It'll boomerang back at you.)
Don't surf during a hurricane. (You'll lose your board.)
Don't walk your dog in a hurricane. (You'll lose your dog.)
Don't be a flair bartender in a hurricane. (You'll lose your bottles.)
Some of these have been done, most have not. That should get you started. Remember, it doesn't have to make sense. This is the Sandbar after all. If it's funny, it works for us.