Love is in the Air…

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, in case you don’t have a significant other who’s already reminded you of this very important holiday.

It’s not really a big deal at The Sandbar…one year we had specially printed Bahama Mama glasses that had two fish kissing…but other than that, Valentine’s Day is hardly noticed.

This is, however, the perfect time to talk about just how many couples have met at The Sandbar. And I don’t just mean couples who have met for a few random dates, who could hardly be considered couples- I mean couples who have stayed together for a long time and many of whom are even married now.

If not for The Sandbar, Dave might not be married today.  Long ago, when he was a KU basketball player, he was far and away my mother’s favorite player.  I was still in high school at the time, and every time my family watched KU games (which was every game), my mom would get sooooo excited every time David Johanning got in the game.  She thought he was just about the cutest thing ever.

Fast forward a few years to 1996.  The Sandbar had become my favorite college hangout, but I wasn’t there much on nights that he worked.  One night, someone happened to mention “There’s David Johanning,” and somehow in my slightly intoxicated little mind, the name rang bells.  I remembered my mom obsessing over this guy, and I happened to have my camera, so without hesitation I approached him and asked for a picture for my mom.

Here’s the first picture of Dave and me, and it’s still on my parents’ refrigerator today:

Dave and Debbi met at the Sandbar in January, 1996
Don’t we look so young? Anyway, at some point after that we began dating, and now here we are 11 years later.  Time sure does fly by.

But we’re certainly not the only couple to owe The Sandbar many thanks. Here are some of the other folks who have met at our fair establishment:

Brit and Megan; Heather and Paxton; Maynard and Brooke (well they went to high school together, but they reconnected at The Sandbar); Matt and Ana; Pat and Mandy; and the couple who met when one of the wall decorations fell and happened to hit both of them- they stopped in for a drink on the way to their wedding reception.

I know there’s a million more of you out there that I just can’t think of right now.  Did you and your sweetheart meet at The Sandbar?  Send us your story, we’d love to hear it.

Happy Valentine’s Day!