by Debbi | Sep 25, 2008 | Trinkets and Toys
Several years ago, after a particularly fun Independence Day celebration to which the Maynard's brought their pink drink that was subsequently christened the "Pink Flamingo," Dave decided to start selling said concoction at The Sandbar.
It's a refreshing, cherry limeade-y drink, and it's been fairly popular. However, we've struggled to find the perfect trinket to adorn this drink. Long ago, our favorite toy supplier had some really fun hot pink bendy flamingos (similar to the bendy pirates) but inexplicably they stopped selling them. So, usually, those who order the Pink Flamingo end up with the same beads or other toys that the Bahama Mama drinkers get.
Two days ago I made an offhand comment right here on the blog about people searching the internet for flamingo toys, not really expecting any kind of response, much less a helpful one, but my good friend Becki decided that our dilemma was more important than her homework, and she found me some flamingos. More than one choice of flamingos, actually.
The new flamingo trinkets have been ordered and should arrive within a week. And I know you will all love them! They are perfect for The Sandbar. And best of all they were in our target price range for drink trinkets.
Stop by to try out the Pink Flamingo, if you haven't already, and pick up a brand new toy! Once they arrive, I'll share a photo.
Now when people search the internets for flamingo toys, they'll end up here.
by Debbi | Mar 15, 2008 | Trinkets and Toys
In honor of our upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Parade float, the Sandbarn, we have fun new Bahama Mama drink toys!
Last night Ann and Kirsten entertained themselves by bending these little guys and taking pictures of the results:
Come in and get your very own bendable farm animal before they’re gone!
by Debbi | Mar 3, 2008 | Trinkets and Toys
We are having a crisis at The Sandbar.
The Shark Attack is one of our most popular drinks. It’s been wildly popular since we started serving it five years ago (has it really been that long?) and we know that the appeal is not only the refreshing cherry limeade taste of the drink, but also the little vinyl shark that cleverly holds the grenadine that makes the drink look like a Shark Attack. People have fun with this drink.
The problem? Our toy supplier, Fun Express, is currently out of stock of our little plastic friends. We typically go through at least a case of sharks a month, and that’s a lot of sharks. Over the last six months or so, the sharks have been out of stock various times, but they were always available a week or two later and we managed to get by.
But this time, the company tells us they won’t be back in stock for a couple months. This is bad, very bad. Dave and I have frantically been Google-ing "toy vinyl sharks" for the last few days, trying to find somewhere else on earth that sells these sharks.
Luckily, we think we may have found some. Cross your fingers.
by Debbi | Sep 18, 2007 | Random Holidays, Trinkets and Toys
Aaarrrrr! We almost forgot about this!
Tomorrow, September 19, is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Thanks to Caroline for sending along a friendly reminder.
You can read the great story of how this holiday got started here. It truly is funny and these guys sound like people who would hang out at The Sandbar.
We encourage all of you out there to talk like a pirate tomorrow. It’s not hard- just throw in a few "arrrr’s" and you’re good. We dare you to answer your phone like that all day long. And in honor of the holiday, we have fun new Bahama Mama toys in stock- bendable pirate guys.
by Debbi | Nov 19, 2006 | Trinkets and Toys
The Sandbar’s signature drink, the Bahama Mama, is served up with style. Every drink comes with a colored string of Mardi Gras beads and the latest trinket that we’ve ordered from our favorite catalog, Fun Express. It’s really fun picking out new toys to hand out with the drinks, but sometimes it can get difficult to find just the right item- something that fits our theme and is also relatively inexpensive.
Key chains are always popular. They’re also easy for the bartender to loop over the straw. We’ve had flip flops and disco balls; miniature flamingos and rubber chickens.
Small toys that can float on top of the drink make frequent appearances, like rubber duckies. We started out with the plain yellow ducky key chains, but now Fun Express has all kinds of cool themed rubber duckies, for every holiday and event imaginable. Right now we have rubber duckies in Thanksgiving costumes.
One of the most popular toys we’ve ever had were squeezable holiday characters; when you squeezed the toy, a long red tongue spit out of it’s mouth. Apparently, though, these toys were deemed ‘dangerous’ for kids and they are no longer made. A similar trinket has taken their place, the ‘putty eye’ characters. When these toys are squeezed, their gel-like eyes bug out of their head. Of course if you squeeze too hard, the eyes pop all the way out. We learned that the hard way.
Toys with drinks have been so popular that we’ve expanded our lineup. The popular Shark Attack drinks come with their very own toy shark, and the new Pink Flamingo comes with fancy flamingo straws.
Our new random question to the left encourages our readers to vote for the best Bahama Mama toy. We’re also constantly on the watch for fun new items we can use, so if you find something that screams "Sandbar toy" let us know!
If you missed our other random questions you can view them here.