Join our email list and get a free gift!

Did you know we have an email list you can join? Five hundred of your closest friends knew it.

Anyway, it's true. If our blog, Facebook page, Twitter feed, website and other outposts scattered around the interwebs aren't enough for you, you can subscribe to our email updates, too.

We don't send very many emails- maybe 6-8 every year, which means they're always about very important things. Like our annual birthday block party.

We're getting ready to announce all the amazing details about this year's party, and our email subscribers, as usual, will be the first to hear the news.

And we've got a special treat: new subscribers to our email list will get a coupon for a free order of biscuits and gravy from Sandbar Subs! A new Sandbar Subs is set to open across the street from us, in the old Mirth location, this summer.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up for our emails! You can unsubscribe any time you want to, but we'll be sad to see you go.

Are you on our email list?

Why not?

We don't send emails very often. Not even once a month. We only send email when we have something important to say, like about St. Patrick's Day or a really great new special or something like our block party.

Yep, we're doing it again- our fourth annual birthday block party is coming up, and our email subscribers will get the info first.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up. We promise, you'll get less than one email a month from us, and if you love the Sandbar, you'll love our emails.

Sandbar on Pinterest

Well, we've given in to yet another social network.

You can now find us on Pinterest, the current darling of the social networking world. We were a little hesitant to sign up; after all, between blogging and Facebooking and tweeting it's a little hard to keep up with everything sometimes. But after spending some time exploring Pinterest, it was easy to see how it could be fun for the Sandbar and our friends.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Pinterest, it's basically an online bulletin board. Did you ever tear out pictures of things you liked from magazines- things like furniture, houses, clothes or hairstyles- and stuff them in a notebook or folder? Pinterest is that, only better. Instead of having a notebook taking up space on your shelf, that you never refer back to, you've got online bulletin boards where you can "pin" things you find around the internet.

You can follow other people and their boards, and they can follow you. You can "like" or "repin" things that other people have pinned. It's a great way to discover new things.

You can find us here.

So, what are we pinning? So far, we've found cool pint glasses, shark-shaped party food and baby mermaid costumes. And we've got a whole board dedicated to repurposing your drink toys. If you've got other ideas for Sandbar boards, let us know!

Blog Break for Baby

Typically we post stories on the blog 3-5 times a week. This week, however, we're taking a break.

Dave's having a baby! Well, his wife is. Which means the writer of this blog is unavailable and Dave won't be at the bar much, if at all, to see what's going on and provide stories. 

If you've got great bar stories, email them to us at We're always accepting guest blogs (subject to editor's approval, of course).

And we'll have more stories for you soon, including the one about the wacky Christmas night at the Sandbar.

National Blog Posting Month

Yes, we're going to attempt National Blog Posting Month again in November. This is the third or fourth year we've signed on for this adventure, and I think we were successful maybe once. It's hard to post something every day, especially in a short month with a lot of holiday time!

Find out more about National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo, here.

Are you participating? Leave us a comment with a link to your blog, and we'll check it out! Maybe we can help each other get to the end of this month.

And if there are burning questions you have about the Sandbar, or things you're dying to know, let us know that, too. We could use some ideas for things to write about!

Fun With Google Searches

Our Twitter friends over at the Larryville Chronicles often mention funny keyword searches that have led people to their blog. Once upon a time we used to do a monthly recap of keywords that led you people here, but it's been awhile, so we thought it was worth revisiting that topic.

Not much has changed.

Over the past year, the runaway leader for search terms is "what happens during a hurricane." No surprise there; that's always been a popular search phrase that's directed people to our blog. Although we're pretty sure they're not looking for what happens during our hurricane.

The other top search phrases are things Sandbar-related:

  • drink trinkets
  • shark cupcakes
  • bahama mama costumes

And while we aren't surprised by these searches, we are surprised at just how many there were:

  • 21st birthday shot book
  • fun shots for 21st birthday
  • 21st birthday shot book page
  • 21st birthday list
  • 21st birthday shirts

We know our bar is a popular destination for newly-minted 21 year olds, but we had no idea how popular "shot books" are. While we're all for celebrating birthdays and the ability to drink legally, we hope those of you making these books are also being responsible.

Now, for some of the funnier and stranger keyword searches that send people to our blog.

  • wrestling wall of fame plaques
  • where to steal a table (NOT HERE!)
  • white pants running bulls
  • what is joeing
  • manly tropical drink
  • ambulance drunk

There are so many funny searches, we can't possibly share the all here right now. But it's definitely given us some ideas for future blog posts!