Thanks to our St. Patrick’s Day Helpers

Our annual St. Patrick's Day parade float wouldn't be possible without the hard work and dedication of a lot of people. Our founder, Peach, her husband, Ted, and our managing partner, Dave, provide the vision, support and patience needed to accomplish this project every year.

A big thank you to Scott Zaremba and Zarco66. Scott gave us a place to build the float (and it was indoors!), provided the trailer for us to build our volcano on and even pulled our float in the parade. Zarco66 also provided breakfast for our float crew on Thursday morning. The biscuits & gravy and breakfast burritos were delicious!

Thanks also to Sandbar Subs (23rd Street location) for providing dinner for our annual pre-parade social with the crew from Kennedy Glass on Wednesday night.

You'll be hearing more about Backdoor Bakery pretty soon. They gave us cupcakes and cookies as a treat after float dance practice- and oh my goodness, their baked goods are amazing. Cupcakes to die for!

Amelia Madl of Premier Mobile Spray Tan came into town on Tuesday before St. Pat's and held a spray tan party upstairs at the Sandbar. Nearly all of the ladies on our float were able to stop by for a quick tan. Thanks to Amelia for hanging around for almost five hours to make sure everyone looked lovely and tan!

And of course, huge thanks to everyone who helped design and build our float or who participated on parade day. We always say that building the float is half the fun, and this year was no exception. Our friends are the best!

Editor's note: Pretty sure I'm forgetting people. If you did something worthy and wish to be publicly thanked, let us know in the comments.