Excuse Me, Can I See Your ID?

Last night, the Lawrence Police Department conducted bar checks around town. What does this mean? Basically, police officers go to bars, walk around and ask to see customers' identification. They're checking for fake ID's and no ID's.

A young lady was sitting at the bar celebrating her 21st birthday. She was having fun with the birthday attention, and Dave was entertained. He decided to have a little fun.

He caught the officer's attention, and slyly asked him to card the birthday girl.

The officer walked over to the girl and asked for her ID.

Officer: It's not her birthday!

Dave: What?!?

Apparently, her birthday was actually Wednesday and she was celebrating on Friday instead. Or, more likely, in addition. She stumbled around a bit explaining to Dave that she wasn't intentionally lying about her birthday.

At least the officer didn't say "She's not 21!"

Happy Birthdays!

Happy birthday today to a whole bunch of our friends: bartender Heather, float dancer Sherri, Barrel House owners Emily and Alex and former Sandbar staff member Tyler.

Tyler dropped by the Sandbar last night to celebrate. Chris, another former bartender, and his wife came into town for the festivities. We haven't seen any of them in ages- though some of them have a good excuse (new baby).


Dave made sure the birthday boy was decked out in Sandbar style.

We hope all our friends had a great day of celebrations today! 

Manly Mermaid in a Miniskirt

Dave spends a lot of time at the bar working, but he spends a lot of time playing there also. Friday night was our friend Michelle's birthday, and naturally shenanigans at the Sandbar were on the night's list.

Michelle wanted to be the mermaid for the 10 p.m. hurricane, but no one else wanted to get on the bar with her. And since there's two costumes, we always think they both need to be worn, so finally Dave volunteered to be the second mermaid.

Unfortunately, he got the short mermaid dress:

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The mermaid dress was more like a mermaid miniskirt on Dave. And of course, no costume is complete without a rainbow wig and shutter shades.

Dave and Michelle did a fine job performing the hurricane ritual on the bar, and after the storm was over Dave led the bar in a round of "Happy Birthday" for the birthday girl.


More birthday festivities will probably happen next weekend, too. Don't forget, stop by the Sandbar on your birthday and get a free tiara as a birthday gift!

Birthdays at The Sandbar

We're a popular place for birthdays. It might be the hurricane and the prospect of wearing the mermaid costume; maybe the tropical drinks; or perhaps it's the fancy fur-trimmed tiara that the birthday girls get to take home.

Last Saturday, there were a couple of birthdays in the bar before it was even dark outside.


I'm not sure if one of these mermaids was the birthday girl, or if they were just part of the group, but they were having fun on the bar. Of course, Dave can't resist any opportunity to jump up there and dance, and you might recognize Peach on the left.

We like to think of bar dancing as our own version of a flash mob. People jump on the bar, and spontaneous dancing breaks out everywhere.

Our friend Kirsten from Dunn's Landing celebrated a birthday, too, and Peach brought a large group of ladies to the bar before they went out for a fancy dinner.

Birthdays always call for a shotski:

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And this large group required the BIG shotski. They pulled it off!

Sandbar Birthday Princess

We love birthdays. Well, we love all holidays, and especially the ones we can incorporate a costume into, but birthdays have a special place in our hearts. The Sandbar seems to be a birthday destination for many people, and we do everything we can to live up to that.

In honor of birthdays, we have a special birthday gift. Girls love tiaras, so we ordered a pile of fancy ones to hand out to the birthday girls. Or boys, we don't care who wears them.

Just let us know it's your birthday or your friend's when you come in, and the staff will give you your special birthday tiara.

And boys, if there's something you particularly like to wear- cowboy hats? crowns?- let us know and we'll order those too. You just don't seem to get as excited about this stuff as the ladies!