by Debbi | Sep 12, 2011 | Guest Blogs, Trinkets and Toys
Not sure what to do with your Sandbar drink toys?
Sandbar friend David sent us a picture of his tropical-themed kitchen full of sharks and the tub where his rubber duckies reside.

David says "Our kitchen was already tropical-inspired to begin with, so adding Sandbar toys just seemed perfect! The wife's parents' house has always had a rubber ducky-themed bathroom so we tried to continue to have them in our bathroom at our house….so the ducks we get from the Sandbar end up there and the rest of the toys are in the kitchen on display!"
Where do you keep your Sandbar toys? Send us a picture, we'd love to see your collection!
by Debbi | Nov 9, 2009 | Thanksgiving, Trinkets and Toys
We just ordered some brand new drink toys! We've never had these toys before (that I remember anyway), and they'll be here in time to celebrate Thanksgiving.
(Image from Fun Express)
Everyone seems to really like the finger puppets whenever we decorate drinks with them, and we're trying to take advantage of the toy variety that the holidays provide.
Speaking of Thanksgiving…usually we are open for business that night for all the Lawrence locals who need to escape their families. However, it depends on what our staff is doing and if someone wants to work. We'll keep you posted.
See what's happened in Thanksgivings past. Maybe whoever works this year will renew the old tradition of counting the dollar bills on the wall.