by Debbi | Dec 22, 2011 | Stories
If you didn't already know, Dave is going to be a daddy soon. Soon, as in sometime next week. Baby's official due date is December 30, although he (yes, he) could be here anytime now.
The Sandbar family created a contest and put in their guesses as to when baby will arrive. Each person picked a date and time, and for the tiebreaker, baby's length in inches. The entry closest to the actual time without going over wins.
If this baby is 49 inches, as Andrew guessed, we might have some problems.
Next time you're in the bar, be sure to congratulate Dave. He's pretty excited about baby's arrival. And be sure to tip well, diapers are expensive!
by Debbi | Dec 20, 2011 | Christmas
The annual Sandbar staff holiday party was Sunday night, and it was fun!
The bar was closed to the public until 9 p.m. so we could treat our staff to food and fun. The always-popular white elephant/gift-stealing game was the highlight of the night, and this year Dave added a twist: in order to steal someone else's gift, you had to answer a question from "Fact or Crap." If you correctly guessed fact or crap, you could steal; if not, you had to pick a new gift.
The first white elephant gift was a box of autographed Turner Gill footballs. It may have gone downhill from there.
Some of the other white elephant gifts included items from last year's gift exchange; an ancient broken scanner; a personal massager; a pink flamingo light; and a three-pack of ladies' camisoles. It's always a strange assortment.
Everyone was encouraged to wear crazy hats, and most of the attendees obliged. We had Santa hats, Viking hats, cowboy hats and sock monkey hats.

And we even had a surprise visitor! Drew, aka "Steel Wolf," a bartender from many years ago, stopped by with his lovely wife.
We opened the bar to the public around 9 p.m. and the party continued the rest of the night. Thanks to all of our staff for the awesome job you do all year round!
by Debbi | Dec 18, 2011 | Christmas, Sandbar Stuff
We've got new pint glasses for the holidays! This design is on one side of the glass and our logo's on the other side:

This design idea was submitted by Chris way back in August. Way to plan ahead, Chris, we need to do more of that!
We loved it, of course. Pints are available for $3 each, and they make great gifts for the Sandbar fan in your life! You can also bring your pint glass in on Thursdays for $2.50 tropical drinks.
by Debbi | Dec 17, 2011 | Around the World
More Sandbar shirts around the world! Sandbar friends Bob & Joan Harvey are happy to be wearing Sandbar shirts at Orient Beach on St. Maarten:

Bob posted this picture on our Facebook page and said that the next day, he wore his "Fins Up" shirt. He got a lot of comments from people wondering about a beach bar in Kansas!
by Debbi | Dec 15, 2011 | Christmas
'Tis the season…to find creative ways to use your Sandbar drink toys!
Every year, we have good intentions of decorating a Christmas tree with Sandbar trinkets and donating it to the Festival of Trees auction that benefits The Shelter. And every year, we forget about it until it's too late to get one done.
But we have lots of customers who are either poor college students or just really, really love our toys- and they decorate their own trees with ducks, beads and other tropical drink paraphernalia, and sometimes they share those pictures with us.
Here's one from Twitter follower @wbloomie:

We particularly love the creativity of this one- not only did she hang toys on the tree, but she actually used the toys to strategically create a face.
And here's another one, also from a Twitter follower, @hilaryferguson:

Do you decorate a tree with Sandbar drink toys? We'd love to see it! You can tweet it to @thesandbar, post it on our Facebook page, or email it to us at Happy holidays!