Help! I Left My Credit Card at the Bar!

People leave their credit cards behind at the bar nearly every night. We don't judge; we've all done it. Sometimes people decide to pay their tab with cash and forget to grab their card. More often, someone's just had too much to drink and walks out without paying their tab.

Usually, the person quickly realizes their card is missing and calls back that night or the next day, comes in to pick it up, and all is well. Just so you know, our staff will go ahead and run the card to pay their tab so we can balance our cash register; they'll usually also add a 20% gratuity to the total.

Occasionally, though, the card sits. And sits, and sits. And no one ever calls or comes back to get it. Eventually, when we've collected a pile of cards that are seemingly abandoned, we shred them.

What should you do if you discover you left your card at the bar?

Call the next day. Stop by the bar during regular hours to pick up your card. Bring your photo ID with you; we want to protect our customers and be sure we're giving the card to the right person. Be polite to the bartender.

What not to do?

Don't wait two days to call the bar, especially when you're from out of town and you're leaving Lawrence in the next hour. Don't track down the manager's cell phone number and bother him at home. Don't argue and complain about the amount of your tab. You'd be surprised how often this happens; remember, you were the one drunk enough to leave your card behind, so it shouldn't surprise you that you don't remember ordering all those drinks. We don't add phantom drinks to your tab.

And don't feel bad about forgetting your card! Don't be embarrassed and you don't have to apologize. It happens to the best of us.

Congratulations Mike and Anne!

Sandbar friends Mike and Anne tied the knot on Saturday night, and we think it's about time!

Their wedding and reception was held at the lovely Stony Point Hall outside of Baldwin City. It was an outdoor wedding, and yes, it was cold. But it was beautiful and even funny, with references to Friends (the TV show) and The Wedding Singer movie during the ceremony.

The most surprising part? After the officiant- a friend of the family- introduced the couple as husband and wife and they started down the aisle, the Lawrence Bar Band started playing!

You don't get many opportunities to see the Bar Band outside of the bar, and this was pretty cool. They played KU tunes while the wedding party and guests headed back inside, and then they put on another show once everyone was back inside.

Here's a short video:

The happy couple hired Sandbar-tenders Blair and Andrew to man the bar all night, and they did a fine job. Even if they were dressed in white button-down shirts and ties instead of their typical T-shirts. Ask Andrew about the kids' table. 

Congratulations, Mike and Anne! Your friends at the Sandbar wish you many years of happiness and tropical drinks!

Wooden Signs for our Walls

More wooden signs showed up at the bar this past week. We always love the signs we get, but these were particularly funny.


Here's a closer look at the two smaller signs:



The last one is really funny to us, because Dave's father-in-law is named Bob. We might have to give him this sign for Christmas.

Tegan Tuesdays

There's a little tradition we like at the Sandbar on Tuesdays, and I don't mean the long-running $1.50 almost anything special (although we like that, too).

Tegan often works the early shift from 5-9 p.m., and she brings cookies. She likes to bake, but she doesn't actually like to eat the cookies, so she brings a container full of cookies for customers and friends to eat.

And if you've never experienced one of Tegan's cookies, you are missing out. Tonight's cookie was a bite of oatmeal Reese's Pieces deliciousness.

Be sure to stop by on a Tuesday night, you might be surprised with homemade cookies by Tegan!