
Friday was 11.11.11. Dave and friends thought this was funny and a reason to have eleven drinks. No, they weren't going to do eleven shots at 11 p.m. or anything crazy like that, but they decided to finish off eleven drinks by 11:11 p.m.

They started early. Like 5 p.m. early. And at least a couple of those "drinks" were Dirty Banana shots which may or may not really count.

The last drink of the night, though, made up for it. They finished off with a "Bear Fight," which apparently is a car bomb followed by a Jager bomb. Not one of Dave's new favorites, by the way.

Last night, the Bear Fights made a reappearance. Bartender Tegan was wise (or at least wiser than the guys) and made hers a Cub Fight instead.

Cub fight

That's bartender Tyler sneaking his way into the picture.

Lawrence Bar Band Video

The Lawrence Bar Band stopped by the the bar last night, like they do before every home football (and sometimes basketball) game.

Here's a few videos shot by customer Joe. The embed function won't work for me, so you'll have to click the links to go see the videos.




Thanks for uploading and sharing the videos, Joe! We hope you had fun last night with the bar band!

For more about the bar band, including its history which began right here at the Sandbar, click here.

Sandbar Tee in Vegas

So, this is really old- like from last April- but I never got it posted here on the blog and I don't have anything else to post tonight, so here you go. This picture's already on our wall of fame with the other Sandbar shirt pictures.

Sandbar friend Seth uploaded this picture of his Sandbar shirt in Vegas to our Facebook page:


He was at the Tropicana In-N-Out Burger in Vegas.

We didn't get any stories about the trip from him, but his friend Christopher who was apparently along for the ride left this comment:

The best part of the trip (other than my crazy mad photography skills, of course) was the night we wound up drinking with 3 Irishmen. Of course, one of the side effects of drinking with 3 Irishmen is that you don't have a whole lot of clarity around the events of that evening…

Some of the Sandbar crew fondly remembers a little bit about our night in Vegas. We sort of drank with Irishmen- we spent a lot of time at Nine Fine Irishmen in New York, New York. Fun place.

Sandbar Shades on Channel 6

Our friend and customer Andrew is a sports reporter for local Channel 6, and he likes to use his Sandbar toys as props for entertainment on the air.

This time, we got a heads up via Twitter, so we were able to grab our camera in time and snap a picture of the TV screen:


Our fun rainbow shades made their appearance on Useless Fieldhouse Trivia.

According to Andrew, he also rocked a mustache on a later broadcast. We haven't had a chance to watch that episode yet, but if it's on our DVR we'll take a picture.

We love that Lawrence and Channel 6 are fun enough to do things like this!

That’s One Way to Clean the Bar Mats

As you can imagine, the mats behind the bar can get pretty dirty.

Sometimes Dave takes them to the car wash and hoses them down. When it rains, he sometimes uses a much more basic solution: putting them outside by the curb and letting the rain wash them.

One time, it was raining so hard that the mats started to wash away down the street. Good thing the bartenders were paying attention and rescued the mats before they disappeared.