Sandbar Shirt in South Africa

It's our first Sandbar shirt picture from Africa!

Sandbar friend Donna recently sent us this photo:

Lion Park with Megan 044

It was taken at Lion Park in Johannesburg, South Africa. Donna says she has more trips around Africa planned, so she'll be sending more pictures. We can't wait to see them!

St. Patrick’s Day Pint Glasses

New pint glasses are here!

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in style with brand new Sandbar glasses. Our logo's on the front, and here's the design on the back of the glass:

Screen shot 2012-03-15 at 9.59.04 PM

You might remember this design from our T-shirts a few years ago. We didn't have time this year to run a contest for new pint glass designs, and we didn't have time to create a design ourselves. Luckily, this one worked just as well for glasses as it did for shirts.

Stop by and pick up your glass today! They're $3 each.

Join our NCAA Bracket Pool!

It's time for March Madness!

A few years ago, we had a Sandbar bracket challenge on Facebook. It was a lot of fun, and we gave away some Sandbar shirts to the winners.

This year we're doing it again, but it's a little bit different. It's not on Facebook- we didn't want to use an application, plus not everyone is on Facebook (yes, it's true!) so this way, everyone can participate.

Inspired by our Twitter and real-life friend Justin, we created a Sandbar group on

Go here to join our group. It's a private group called Sandbar (I wasn't feeling very original), and the password is hurricane. You can join or leave the group only before the second round begins. If you don't already have an account on, you'll need to create one.

Winner gets a T-shirt and a gift certificate! And you can talk smack, too! Think you can beat Dave?

Shark Attack and the Randy Rogers Band

Even though the Sandbar is a tropical bar with every Jimmy Buffett CD on the jukebox, we appreciate a wide variety of music. From Elvis to the Blackeyed Peas to Captain and Tennille and everything in between, you can bet that someone in the bar loves whatever song is playing at the moment.

We also have a soft spot for old-school country and the newer country/rock music out of Texas. Our buddy Justin has a weekly radio show, Kansas City Limits, and plays all the songs we love to listen to. Many of the bands travel through Kansas frequently, often playing at the Bottleneck or the Granada, and the Sandbar has become sort of an unofficial pre/post show party spot.

Last weekend, one of our favorites, the Randy Rogers Band, was in town for a show. We spotted this picture from the band's Twitter feed:


Great to see visitors to our beautiful downtown enjoying our shark attack!